Library Services Update

UPDATE: Stetson Reading Room 24 hour Access Beginning April 12th

We are delighted to announce that overnight access to the 24/7 Stetson Reading Room will begin again when the Library closes on Friday April 12th. The overhead gate that secures Sawyer Library has been temporarily replaced while the College explores long term solutions. [This post was updated on 4/11/24.]

Accessing Sage and Elsevier content in 2024

Access to most journal content through Elsevier and Sage has changed.  While we still have access to many journal titles through subscription, content will also be accessible through other means, including through a service called Article Galaxy Scholar (AGS). Here’s how AGS works:

    1. Use the search box on to search by topic or article title. (Pro tip: put the article title in quotes to do a more targeted search).
      Screenshot of library search box with article title (Re-establishing Justice as a Pillar of Ecological Economics Through Feminist Perspectives) in quotes.
    2. If we don't have immediate full-text access, you'll see a link that says "get access".  Click on it!
      Screenshot of an article with the link "get access" highlighted
    3. You'll find detailed information about the article on the next screen, as well as a link to request an article scan.  Click that link!
      Screenshot of the "how to get it" section of a library catalog record, with the "request article scan" link highlighted
    4. After signing in, faculty and thesis students will be sent to Article Galaxy Scholar. Click on the "request PDF" link to get a copy of the article by email.
      Screenshot of the Article Galaxy Scholar screen, with the "request PDF" link highlighted Students and Staff will be sent to interlibrary loan.  Complete the request form and submit the request to get a PDF of the article.  You'll get an email when it's ready for you to download.
      A screenshot of the article request form in ILLiad.
    1. Start in your favorite database and search by topic or article title.
    2. Look for a link to get the full text at Williams.
      Example: Google Scholar
      Screeshot of Google Scholar search result with full text link highlightedExample: EconLitScreenshot of EconLit search result with get it at Williams highlighted.
    3. If we don't have immediate full-text access, you'll see a link that says "get access".  Click on it!
      Screenshot of an article with the link "get access" highlighted
    4. You'll find detailed information about the article on the next screen, as well as a link to request an article scan.  Click that link!
      Screenshot of the "how to get it" section of a library catalog record, with the "request article scan" link highlighted
    5. After signing in, faculty and thesis students will be sent to Article Galaxy Scholar. Click on the "request PDF" link to get a copy of the article by email.
      Screenshot of the Article Galaxy Scholar screen, with the "request PDF" link highlighted Students and Staff  will be sent to interlibrary loan.  Complete the request form and submit the request to get a PDF of the article.  You'll get an email when it's ready for you to download.
      A screenshot of the article request form in ILLiad.

Important! To keep costs low, be sure to save your downloads and avoid requesting the same article multiple times. 

If you any question about this change in access, ask a librarian.  We’re happy to help!