On Display in Sawyer: Trapunto quilt made by members of AMST 373

Photo of a trapunto quilt hanging on a wooden wall, with a written curatorial statement posted nearby.
The trapunto will be on display in Sawyer until February 25.

Inspired by the work of Pacita Abad (1946-2004), a Filipina multimedia artist, members of AMST 373: US Empire in the Philippines, created a trapunto that now hangs in Sawyer library, near the Horn Research Commons.

Abad is known for developing the trapunto painting format– a multimedia fabric piece that is painted, quilted, stuffed, beaded, and layered, taking a form that is vibrant and eclectic.  Each member of AMST 373 made a 1.5’ by 2’ fabric rectangle, which captured their individual takeaways and experiences from the class. Students worked in the Sawyer Fabrication Lab, as well as other locations on campus, to create their piece of the trapunto.

The final product is 6.5ft x 11ft, made of found fabrics (natural and synthetic), buttons, bottlecaps, wrappers, paper, batting, and fabric paint. It was both hand- and machine-sewn.