Is information literacy enough to navigate an age of disinformation?

Project Information Literacy LogoIn her essay “Lizard People in the Library” Barbara Fister considers the following questions: How has “research it yourself” become a rallying cry for promoters of outlandish conspiracy theories? What are the consequences of this development? What’s missing from educators’ classical information literacy efforts?

Join the Williams College’s instruction librarians on March 24, 4:00-5:00 PM (EDT) for a community discussion of this essay and of the ways in which information and media literacy initiatives might have fallen short as a mode of critical engagement with information. This discussion is open to educators, librarians and all interested in discussing teaching (and learning about) information and media literacy.  RSVP here to receive the Zoom link. This event is a discussion not a presentation – it will not be recorded.

Barbara Fister is a leading thinker about libraries, students, information literacy, and higher education. Her essay was published by the Project Information Literacy Provocation Series and subsequently in The Atlantic.  Learn more about what inspired her to write this essay.

Project Information Literacy (PIL) is a nonprofit research institute that conducts studies on how early adults find and use information as they progress through, and beyond their higher education years. The Provocation Series launched in January 2021 features essays examining societal aspects of information literacy. Williams Libraries is an official Champion of PIL’s Provocation Series. Forthcoming essays in the series include: Reading in the Age of Distrust, by Alison Head and The iSchool Equation, by Kirsten Hostetler.

For more information about this program or information literacy at Williams, please contact Christine Ménard (cmenard) or Lori DuBois (ldubois).